Becoming a Morning Runner
Wouldn’t it be great if we could wake up at 5 am every other morning and complete a 10km run? However, our beds believe otherwise and desperately cling to us like our mums when we return home from university for the summer. There are benefits to working out first thing in the morning, for example, your evening is free to see friends and family.
1) Don’t try and become the best morning runner right away.
It is unrealistic to think that you will wake up an hour an half earlier than your normal and go on a long run. Start by gradually waking up earlier and earlier. Wake up 30 minutes earlier and then after a week wake up 40 minutes earlier. Before you know it you will be waking up an hour earlier than normal with ease.
2) A quick and effective morning run is always better than a long run.
If you are struggling to wake up early then why not make your more runs more high-intensity by scheduling your fartlek, interval and tempo sessions for this time. This types of runs can take 30-45 minutes and leave your legs feeling like jelly.
3) Breakfast!
The most important meal of the day. Make sure you have a great rewarding breakfast planned for when your return from your run. Think poached eggs with avocado on toast or if you need to head straight out the door to work or a lecture plan some overnight oats. Simply put some oats in a jar with some milk and dried fruit. Seal and leave it in the fridge overnight.
4) Lay out your clothes
The night before lay out your running gear for the morning (including underwear) so that when your alarm goes off you simply have to jump out of bed throw on some clothes have a quick drink of water and head out the door on your run.
5) Sort out your pre-bedtime routine
You don’t necessarily need to go to sleep earlier in order to wake up earlier. Changing your bedtime routine can be super effective. First off, no screen before bed, that’s right leave your Instagram stalking until tomorrow. Looking at a bright screen within the hours that you go sleep can affect your circadian rhythms. This is what keeps your internal clock working properly and your sleep regular. Also, stop drinking caffeine 6 hours before your plan to go to bed.