Why Take on the Peaks of the Balkans Trek

Every trek has its charms. And if you’re looking for something challenging that will test you physically at the same time as delivering a rewarding visual experience, you can find yourself spoilt for choice. There’s the awe-inspiring mounts of Machu Picchu. Kilimanjaro with its surrounds of rolling savanna. And there’s Colombia’s Lost City, swallowed by deepest jungle. But you don’t necessarily have to change continents to enjoy a trek entirely unlike any other. Ladies and gentlemen, allow us to introduce the Peaks of the Balkans Trail.

Why Choose the Peaks of the Balkans for Your Next Trekking Challenge

One trek: three countries

While many mountain ranges straddle borders, the Peaks of the Balkans trek is almost unique in peacefully linking three different countries. Albania, Montenegro, and Kosovo. This not only adds a couple of destination notches to your travel bragging list. It also provides you with a great opportunity to experience different cultures as you enjoy your overnight stays.

Not that many people have completed the trek

Given that it’s such a beautiful region and the trek is accessible for most levels of hiker, the Peaks of the Balkans is something of a road less travelled. And this is because until really quite recently, war made it inaccessible. Throughout the 1990s conflict was rife in the Balkan region. And prior to that point, tourists were not always welcome. The green belt, which opens up the Peaks of the Balkans trek, was only put into place in 1999. And free movement between the countries has not always been easy. All of which means that the gems of this region have not been enjoyed by as many people as they otherwise might.

The scenery

Whether it’s the clear waters of the Shala River and the Blue Eye pool, the Grunas canyon and waterfall, or simply the verdant valleys surrounding the peaks, the landscape you will encounter on this trek is clean, unspoiled, and beautiful. These are scenes and places that you will never forget.

The wildlife

We obviously can’t promise an amazing wildlife encounter. But thanks to the borderless green belt, this region is now home to some spectacular native fauna. Including the brown bear, wolf, and lynx. Wild boar, deer, and martens are also common. And wild goats almost prolific. In the sky, you’ll have a good chance of seeing an imperial eagle, corn crake, and ringed ouzel. While at night, in certain areas, there is a good population of bats.

The peaks

The peaks that give this trek its name may not be the highest in the world. But at 2,656m, Mount Gjeravica isn’t small either. And the view from the top is simply stunning. Catch it on a clear, blue day, and you can see for miles.

The Peaks of the Balkans trek isn’t a bucket list destination. It’s not somewhere that people brag about, like the Everest base camp or K2. It’s not the highest or the hardest or the furthest away. And there’s no amazing archaeological discovery at any of the summits. But it is beautiful and peaceful and enjoyable. And it’s an experience that will live with you for a very long time to come.

Get in touch with Choose a Challenge to find out more about hiking the Peaks of the Balkans trail.

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