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The Peaks of the Balkans Hike: What Do You Need to Know?

If you’re looking for a new hiking challenge, the Peaks of the Balkans trek potentially represents the road less travelled. It’s not particularly remote. The area is definitely not abandoned. But as opposed to the big-hitting bragging rights destinations – looking at you, Everest Base Camp and Mount Kilimanjaro – this is a trek with much less traffic. Largely because not that many people know about it. So, starting from a point of assumed ignorance, here are the five most important things we think you need to know about the Peaks of the Balkans hike.

Five Things You Should know About the Peaks of the Balkans Trek

Where is the Peaks of the Balkans trek?

OK, so you’ve probably already worked that the Peaks of the Balkans hike takes you to some mountains somewhere in the Balkans. But the Balkans refers to a pretty big collection of countries. Ten, in fact – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia – all nestled within the peninsula. So, where exactly does the trail run? The trek complete route is 192km through the Accursed Mountains of Albania, Kosovo, and Montenegro.

How long does the trek take?

The route we favour at Choose a Challenge, takes seven days, travelling 85km between Schodra and Tirana. With two additional days for travel, arrival, and departure.

Why don’t more people do the Peaks of the Balkans trek?

The Peaks of the Balkans trek isn’t – yet – on many people’s bucket list for a couple of reasons.

Firstly, and probably most importantly, it’s not that well-known. Due to the political struggles in the region, the Balkans hasn’t been a tourist destination for very long. In fact, most Brits only know Kosovo because of the war that took place there between 1998 and 1999. And that has sadly overshadowed the area’s potential as a hugely diverse travel destination.  

Secondly, unless you travel with an organised group, the trek isn’t very accessible. There is no public transport in the region of the mountains. And it can be difficult to get to a good starting point. When you join a planned trek, then we take care of all of that for you.

The Balkans is a place of diversity

As you might expect from a trek that crosses borders, and a peninsula that is host to multiple countries, the Balkans is one of the most diverse places you will ever visit. Ethnically, culturally, and environmentally.

Apart from being mountainous, this area is one of the most unspoiled places you will ever visit. It has lush valleys. Scenic rivers. Impenetrable forests. And waterfalls cascading into turquoise pools. As well as each country’s impressive cities, the trail hosts a smattering of ancient villages, bringing character – and relief to the weary traveller. If you visit at the right time, you will encounter fields of glorious wildflowers – many only ever found in this region. At other times, snow. Although we tend not to schedule our treks in winter. The area is also steeped in history, with an extensive Roman heritage. And there is food from the seas and the mountains. In short, there is a little bit of almost everything.

Stamina is required

All the treks that we conduct are challenging in their own way. And this is by no means a simple stroll. While the Peaks of the Balkans challenge is not technically difficult, and it doesn’t take you up into areas of the highest altitude, you will be walking up to eight hours a day. Uphill and down. So, although you’re not likely to encounter serious altitude sickness problems, it’s a good idea to physically prepare for your trip.

The Peak of the Balkans challenge is one of our favourites. Not because it’s the highest or the most difficult. And not because its completion carries kudos (although it probably should). But because it is simply glorious. The landscape is unparalleled. The route unspoiled. And the road less travelled. So, if you’re looking for somewhere different to test your hiking metal, this could be the trek for you.

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