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Recruitment: Tackling it Face-to-face

The second instalment in the recruitment blog series: face-to-face promotion! Promotion for your challenge is no-doubt the most effective in person; this blog will hope to provide some insight into the best and most proven strategies in selling your challenge around the hectic Freshers' Week period.

To learn more about social media promotion, click here.

To learn more about following-up, click here.


The Elevator Pitch

Selling your challenge to students at your university may seem a daunting task, even to the most confident of individuals. That’s why having a solid elevator pitch is crucial to your face-to-face pitching; they’re super reliable, quick, and easy to remember. Here’s how it works:

In short, an elevator pitch is a brief message about you and what you’re offering, and is supposed to take no longer than you’d spend in an elevator - ideal for catching people at Freshers’ Fairs or on a stall in your SU. Start off with a introduction of yourself, build rapport by finding common ground, explain what you’re offering, the benefits, and how they can get involved. If they ask questions, good job, use your knowledge to really get some details in. If they rush off, they’re not interested, move on and don’t waste your energy!

Here’s an example of an elevator pitch:

  • Introduction/building rapport: “Hey, have you guys heard of the new Everest Base Camp challenge that’s on this year? You look like you love a bit of travel and adventure.

  • What we’re offering: “It’s a 14-day trip in the Himalayas, with 11 days trekking to Everest Base Camp and back, you even get loads of time to explore Kathmandu! The cost is only a small registration fee and some fundraising with our partner charity - insert charity here.

  • The benefits: “It’s such a good way to gain some solid transferrable skills whilst meeting some mates for life and changing the world for a better place along the way”

  • How to get involved: “We’re holding a couple of information meetings next week at which a staff member at Choose a Challenge will be around to provide more information. They’ll be talking through the trip itinerary and how you can get involved in more detail. They’re being held at location at time A and time B.

Now, imagine yourself selling your trip to somebody in an elevator, if you’re still talking when the door opens, you’ve taken too long.


Where to use it

Your elevator pitch is vital in capturing the interest of as many people as possible. So how do you reach as many people as possible? There are a number of face-to-face strategies. First, and probably most important, is lecture shout-outs. If you feel confident enough to speak in front of 100+ people, this is comprehensively the most effective strategy, as it reaches the most people. Speak to your lecturers, or even your friend’s lecturers, about getting a slide at the start or end of their lecture. Then, elevator pitch!

Hall drops are also an effective strategy, as it develops a more personal connection. If your university allows, walking around student halls and putting up posters in communal areas, as well as knocking for entire flats, can really cement the idea of taking on a challenge in the students minds. Not only in flats, but chucking posters up in areas of busy commute (e.g. narrow corridors or staircases) can be equally effective.

Data Capturing

Collecting emails as part of your elevator pitch can be super helpful in chasing up students that 1) you want to attend the information meetings, and 2) never actually turn up in the first place. Once you’ve collected all your data, use a mailing website such as MailChimp to collate your mailing list and publish campaigns. This way, you’re constantly in students’ mailboxes, serving as a constant reminder of the information meetings or sign-up link.

Ensure your emails closely resemble your elevator pitches, keeping the message short, concise, and to the point. Leave them wanting more, encouraging attendance to the information meeting.

If you have any questions or concerns about face-to-face recruitment, get in touch with your account manager for additional tips or tricks!