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How Should You Prepare for a Trek to Colombia’s Lost City

If you are looking for adventure, there’s not much more challenging and different than a trek through the jungle to explore a once-lost city.

Situated in the heart of Colombia's Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, La Ciudad Perdida was ‘lost’ for around 300 years, before being rediscovered by looters in the 1970s. It is now a protected site. But that doesn’t make itany more accessible! To get there, you have to trek through 44km of dense jungle in high heat and humidity. You have to climb 1,200 steep stone steps. Wade across multiple rivers. And encounter some of the weirdest and most annoying creepy crawlies you’re ever likely to meet. You’ll be stinking and you’ll be sore. But you’ll also be euphoric. So, how should prepare for you trek to Colombia’s Lost City?

How to Prepare for Your Lost City Trek?

Physical training

If you are considering a trekking challenge, you probably consider yourself to be fairly fit. But the Lost City trek is demanding in ways that you may not expect. While you probably won’t have much opportunity to train in heat and humidity, doing some endurance training can be a really sensible move. It also won’t hurt to do some cardio exercises in the months before departure. And with those 1,200 steps awaiting you, anything you can do to build up your calf and thigh muscles will be of benefit.

Mental training

As you trek through Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, you’re going to encounter some incredible sights. And a lot of the time, that’s going to be enough to keep you going. But when you’re confronting a five-hour trek in uncomfortable conditions, a bit of mental prep can take you a long way. Find some breathing exercises that work for you. Try meditation. Work on positive self-talking. And use your imagination to get you to your goal.

Pack sensibly

Packing for a hike is always tricky. You don’t want to have too much to carry. But, at the same time, there are things you really shouldn’t travel without. So, we’d recommend:

· A lightweight backpack

· Strong walking boots with good ankle support

· Waterproof sandals (for all those river crossings)

· Comfortable clothes that can be layered – not forgetting underwear and spare socks

· Sun hat

· Sunscreen

· Insect repellent

· Drinking water bottle – with filter or water cleansing tablets

· Swimsuit

· Small towel

· Personal hygiene and medication products – toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, bodywash, shampoo, painkillers, personal medication, antihistamines, plasters

· A couple of plastic carrier bags to keep spare clothes and tech dry

· A camera and powerpack

· Some light snacks

This list isn’t exhaustive, but it’s a good basis to plan your packing around.

The trek to Colombia’s Lost City isn’t the highest, steepest, or longest hike that Choose a Challenge operates. You don’t have to deal with troublesome altitude. And on paper, it’s not even the hardest. But the conditions do make it challenging. The humidity can be exhausting. And we’ve already mentioned those steps and those insects. But if you prepare well, this trek is a truly incomparable experience. And it will be worth every step, every blister, every drop of sweat.

Get in touch with Choose a Challenge to plan your trip to Columbia’s Lost City.

CALL: 0203 773 4140