Choose a Challenge

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How Should I Prepare for a K2 Basecamp Trek?

The K2 Basecamp trek is arguably among the most challenging tours we lead. K2 is the second-highest mountain in the world. You are faced with significant altitude gains. And some climbing will be required – crampons and ice axes are not merely optional extras. It’s an exciting undertaking in an occasionally difficult – if breath-taking – environment. So, if you’re going to test your metal, it’s important to be prepared.

How to Prepare for a K2 Basecamp Trek?

Physical prep

K2 can be physically demanding, even for the most experienced of trekkers. Partly because you’ll be handling serious altitude. So, the best way to prepare is to work on your physical endurance. Cardio is important. But stamina is more so. So, while very few of us will be able to prepare for altitude, there are things you can do. Trekking with increasing amounts of weight in your backpack is a good way to help your body get used to working under pressure.

Mental prep

The Choose a Challenge K2 Basecamp trek is meant to be enjoyable. We travel the route at a relatively leisurely pace. And our guides make the journey as interesting and entertaining as possible. But that doesn’t mean that it’s not hard at times. To get through, you’ve got to be prepared to accept that. Everyone has their own method of dealing with challenges. But if you practice mindfulness, affirmations, or other forms of motivational thinking, you may find this challenge a little easier.

What should I pack?

The good thing about travelling with Choose a Challenge is that we take care of the heavy-duty essentials for all of our adventures. So, there’s no need for you to worry about camping gear, food, or climbing equipment. As mentioned, ice axes and crampons are a must for this trek – but we’ll provide those too. But there are some things that you will need to bring for yourself. These are our recommendations:


· A good, comfortable backpack. Ideally one that you have already worn in, so you don’t have to worry about adjustments, chafing, or where to find your stuff when you’re on the move.

· Trekking boots. You’ll be on your feet a lot during this trek, and the wrong sort of boots will make your life a misery. So, select a pair with strong ankle support, waterproofing, and warm, comfy lining. Again, you need to wear them in before you embark.

· Water bottle with either a filter or purifying tablets. Staying hydrated is integral when hiking, so this is one of your most important items.

· Down jacket or alternative. The higher you climb, the colder it gets. In summer, the temperature on K2 can range from about -10°C to 30°C, depending on where you are. So, it’s always sensible to be prepared.

· Rain jacket. We conduct most of our K2 challenges in June, which is the calmest month, weather-wise. But rain can happen any time, and you don’t want to be climbing when wet.

· Clothes that can be layered. Both tops and bottoms.

· Underwear.

· Sun hat and beanie.

· Gloves.

· Painkillers and plasters.

Ancillary items:

· Gaiters. Gaiters won’t be for everyone, but if you’re looking for a way to keep water, mud and stones out of your boots, they can be a really good idea.

· Headlamp.

· Dry bags.

· Power bank.

· Camera.

· Snacks. We provide meals throughout your trek, but if you’re someone who likes to snack on the go, some mints or trail mix may be a good idea.

The Choose a Challenge K2 Basecamp trek is physically hard, but it’s also massively rewarding. It’s an experience unlike any other. And it will leave you feeling like you’ve truly accomplished something. But to get the most of out it, you need to prepare. So, are you ready?

For more information about the Choose a Challenge K2 Basecamp trek, get in touch